So what do you need to do?
1. Download the autobuild package from here, and uncompress the archive in a location that suits you.
2. Download and overwrite the default ´mypaint.nsi´ from here.
3. Download the latest source from here, and copy the folder that contains ´build.bat´ into the ´src´-folder.
4. Excecute ´build.bat´. When finished, your MyPaint-build is situated in the Win32-folder.
Now you too can play with the latest MyPaint 0.9.0 beta, and make ugly paintings like the one below;)
"Ugly Castle on a Hilltop"-sketch by me
If you find bugs, you can help out in the development by making a bugreport.
If using beta software is to hardcore for you, a final version will likely be out within the month. I will report the news here, and of course go more indepth on what´s new and what´s improved. until then,
Hasta pronto!
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