torsdag 7 oktober 2010

Compiling your own preview of MyPaint 0.9.0

Getting a little restless waiting for a new MyPaint build, I did a little research into compiling my own, mainly because I didn´t have anything better to do. I found this link, where a MyPaint user called TumaGonx have put up detailed instructions for compiling the program, but not only that - he´s supplied an autobuild package that will pretty much do all the work for you.

So what do you need to do?

1. Download the autobuild package from here, and uncompress the archive in a location that suits you.
2. Download and overwrite the default ´mypaint.nsi´ from here.
3. Download the latest source from here, and copy the folder that contains ´build.bat´ into the ´src´-folder.
4. Excecute ´build.bat´. When finished, your MyPaint-build is situated in the Win32-folder.


Now you too can play with the latest MyPaint 0.9.0 beta, and make ugly paintings like the one below;)

"Ugly Castle on a Hilltop"-sketch by me

If you find bugs, you can help out in the development by making a bugreport.

If using beta software is to hardcore for you, a final version will likely be out within the month. I will report the news here, and of course go more indepth on what´s new and what´s improved. until then,

Hasta pronto!

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