torsdag 25 november 2010

DAGE 0.5.1 and more

Okay, so it´s been awhile and I felt there was time for an update.

So, Pauli blesses us with another fine release of his 3D Adventure game engine DAGE, numbered 0.5.1. As the .1 denotes, it´s a minor release, meaning not much in new features, but more significantly all the features of 0.4.8 are now supported again! Good job, Pauli. As always, the latest release can be found in the right column of this blog, or you can go directly here.

"I Was a Las Vegas Showgirl" - by Ali

As a double feature in this blog update, the first game using the DAGE adventure game engine has been released. It´s called "I was a Vegas showgirl", and was made entirely by Alasdair Beckett (of Nelly Cootalot fame, if you´re a part of the AGS adventure game scene) . Pauli is also working on updating the game for the 0.5.1 engine (can we hope for a speed improvement?)

More info, and a download link can be found if you click here.

Hasta pronto, amigos!

lördag 13 november 2010


onsdag 3 november 2010

MyPaint 0.0.9 official!

Yesterday arrived the official release of MyPaint 0.0.9, and even with some small suggestions from me implemented. I´m honored, and just show the responsiveness of the development team=)

Here are some highlights:

  • Import/export of brushsets
  • Show/Hide of subwindows with shortkeys, and even a key yo make the menu appear at the cursor
  • Saving and editing of brushes is now all done in a dedicated brush editor
  • Memory optimizations in startup and saving of files
  • Brushsets have been streamlined to contain a maximum of 35 brushes
Thanks to all developers for another stupendous release, and to many more. Go to the MyPaint website to download the appropriate package for your OS, and read a more extensive changelog!

Hasta Pronto!