torsdag 2 september 2010

The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated

Boy, life sure got in the way of any creativity this year so far. But let´s just pretend it didn´t happen and get on with it, shall we? This blog is a good resource, and I plan to make it better. Since I´m no longer very envolved in the 3D-community, that part of this blog will be cut down. I have bought a tablet for drawing, so expect my doodles to infest a post or two every now and then. I have some ideas for what I want to do, and I will be more transparent in my process. I want this blog to be for people who are just startin out, by someone who´s just starting out. A joint journey, if you will. I want to share my successes, and failures both. I think that is the way that works best for me. As a starter, here´s my first doodle (don´t say I didn´t warn ya!;)

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