tisdag 28 september 2010

A little pixel pushing

I thought I´d put a little time aside to talk about this neat little program called Graphicsgale. Japanese in origin, it has a nice english translated version which is likely the best free pixel pushing application out there.

It has a free and a commercial version, but if you can do without .GIF-support, the free one will do just fine.

Whereas MyPaint is for simulating real (and not so real sometimes) world media, for realistic painting, Graphicsgale is for those who prefer the aesthetics of the adventure game classics of old, like Leisure suit larry, Maniac mansion or Kings quest. More importance is put on each pixel to compose a pleasing image. Graphicsgale gives you all the tools for this and more, with Onion skinning, animation and Layers to add to the usual drawing tools.

You can find the download HERE!

Try it out, and post your results on Pixelation, a forum dedicated to the art of pixel pushing. It´s also a place to find tutorials and tips to improve your craftsmanship.

Well met, and hasta pronto!

1 kommentar:

  1. Looks interesting, I shall give this a go. Cheers! Anything that can help me, even a tiny little bit, make (more like modify) sprites and the like is useful!
